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Industrial sodium tripolyphosphate Product Details

Molecular Formula: Na5P3O10
Molecular Weight: 367.86
Standard code: GB/T 9983-1988


Item Appearance densityg/cm3 I type content
Code L M H A B C
Specification 0.35-0.60 0.51-0.65 0.66-0.99 5-20 21-40 ≥40


Item Index
Excellent grade First Class Second Class
Sodium tripolyphosphate(Na5P3O10) % ≥96 ≥90 ≥85
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) ≥57.0 ≥56.5 ≥55.0
Water insolubilities % ≤0.10 ≤0.10 ≤0.15
Iron (Fe) ≤0.007 ≤0.015 ≤0.030
PH Value(1% water solution ) 9.2-10.0
Whiteness % ≥85 ≥75 ≥65
Particles 1.00mm mesh residues % ≤5.0
Appearance White Powder

Use: Mainly used in synthetic detergent additives can also be used in petroleum, metallurgy, mining, water treatment and other industries.

Package: In plastic bags, jackets woven Package, weight: 50 ± 0.2kg 25 ± 0.2kg

Product Name: Industrial sodium tripolyphosphate
Cas No.: 15091-98-2
Structural formula:

Add: Longsheng Bridge, Daoxu Town, SHangyu, Zhejiang Province, China
Contact: (0)13357598181, (0)13757520788
Tel: +86-575-82518038 Fax: +86-575-82041028
E-mail: zhedong@hi2000.com gjl@zhedongchem.com sttp@zhedongchem.com

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